當前位置:首頁 > 產(chǎn)品中心 > 二維材料 > 六方氮化硼晶體 > h-BN 氮化硼晶體
簡要描述:Our h-BN crystals reach at most to 2mm in size and are considered as gold standard in 2D materials field. h-BN flakes are produced defect free which is the only commercial h-BN flake used as 2D
Our h-BN crystals reach at most to 2mm in size and are considered as gold standard in 2D materials field. h-BN flakes are produced defect free which is the only commercial h-BN flake used as 2D insulating template for high performance 2D electronic and photonic devices.These crystals were grown at high pressure using highly specialized diamond press anvil cells. Since the yield of these crystals are small and the growth time is around 4 months, our products come with 3-4 pieces of few mm sized h-BN crystals. These crystals are the best in teh commercial market in terms of low defect concentrations (~1E9 - 1E10 cm-2).
For an economical alternative please see our new product h-BN Flake Powder, h-BN CVD products, and h-BN solutions.