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In the bulk form (TlSe), Thalium selenide, has band-gap at around 0.7 eV and display strong photoluminescence. Similar to molybdenum disulfide, it has layered structure (lamellar) with weak interlayer
World's first commercially available PbGa2Se4 crystals! This unique layered material is commonly known as Lead Selleno Gallanate, and used as high electron mobility Gamma-ray detectors, photodetectors
This item is currently out of stock. Please expect 4-6 weeks lead time. Superconductivity in monolayers. Currently, 2D aspect of this material remains largely unexplored. Iron Selenide (FeSe) is a me
This item is currently out of stock. Please expect 4-6 weeks lead time. Superconductivity in monolayers. Currently, 2D aspect of this material remains largely unexplored. Iron Selenide (FeSe) is a me
Similar to graphene and MoS?, VSe? is also layered material (layered transition metal dichalcogenide) crystallizing in the 1T-CdI2 structure.
First commercially available CoSe2 crystals. They are perfectly layered and samples are shipped ready for exfolation.